Yep, the number one resolution has something to do with weight loss. We even use the resolution intent to justify holiday eating. After all, you know you plan to go on a diet after the New Year, so you might as well enjoy yourself now, right? Hey, it works for me!
But alas, eventually that day of reckoning shows up. It might be right after you finish the Christmas dinner leftovers, or maybe you’ll wait until after your New Year’s Day feast, or you could even put it off until after the big Superbowl party. Okay, so now what?
If you’re a seasoned dieter you start thinking back over all the eating plans you’ve tried over the years.
Some worked. Most didn’t. Some were okay. Most were so awful you thought you were going to lose your mind from starvation and cravings.
Dismissing the unappealing array of tried-and-not-so-true diets, you then start surfing the web for new ideas. You end up on Pinterest, which seems like a good idea because of all the terrific fitness boards and pinners. An hour later you wonder how the heck you got distracted and ended up spending all your time pinning new recipes to try that are going to make you anything but slim.
However, you finally ended up here, so congratulations! The focus of The Healthy Kitchen Shop is on learning how to cook healthier. Naturally, the healthier you eat, the better shape your body will be in, literally.
However, there are also times when we’re really focused on weight loss and want to see some quick results. At those times what we all want to find is the fastest and most painless way possible to slim down, and the point of this article is to share something you may not know about. Here’s the deal.
This isn’t some brand new fad diet or get skinny quick starvation idea. It’s about Paleo – but wait, don’t stop reading yet!
Even if you think you already know all there is to know about Paleo, bear with me a minute because there’s a twist to this, a big one, and it can make all the difference.
[Insert drumroll here…] If you’ve never heard of Mike Geary, let me introduce you. He wrote one of the best selling fitness books of all time, “Truth About Six-Pack Abs”. When I bought the book, my goal was not to get ripped. I didn’t care about having a six-pack, just a leaner and firmer middle. Well, I had no idea how much more I would get from that book.
Side note:
If you want to know more about Mike Geary’s bestselling fitness book (which also includes tons of nutritional info), you can get all the details here:
Before he even discusses workouts he provides a tremendous amount of invaluable nutrition information. You might hate to hear it (I did), but Mike’s book hammers home the point that no matter how much you exercise, you’ll never get great abs if you eat all the wrong things. The workouts in that book are just as awesome. They’re extremely effective and don’t require hours and hours of being a slave to the gym. In fact, Mike was doing combination aerobic/weight training routines before anyone else ever heard of them.
My point is, Mike’s method works because he covers all the bases: the kind of exercises you need to do to develop your ab muscles, how to eat to lose the belly fat that’s covering up your lean muscle, and a way to achieve this without having to dedicate every waking hour to fitness.
Mike Geary’s fitness book was so impressive that when I saw his newest offering I jumped on it. Once again, he covers all the bases, starting with why Paleo does not work for some people, and how to fix that problem.
The #1 Problem With the “Paleo Diet”? (Solved!)
The good news is that most people who adopt the Paleo lifestyle see great results very quickly. If you’re already familiar with Paleo you know that in addition to weight loss, some of the many other benefits include:
- Strong, lean muscles
- Increased energy
- Clearer skin
- Greater mental clarity
- All day stamina
- Fast results
Now, here’s the bad news: The problem is staying with it. If you’ve tried Paleo or listened to others who have, you know that the biggest complaint is that it’s boring and it’s too hard. Even when you’re seeing results it’s terribly hard to stick to it when you have to eat the same bland foods over and over again. Thankfully, there’s a solution:
Paleohacks is the single largest online Paleo community where tens of thousands of people are not only succeeding with the Paleolithic lifestyle but thriving on it. One big reason is the Paleohacks Cookbook because it includes:
- 125+ Delicious, Mouthwatering Recipes
- Bonus “Paleo 4X Cookbook” – Great 4-Ingredient Recipes to Keep It Simple
- Bonus: How to Dine Out and Have a Social Life and Still Stick to Paleo
- Tons More Bonuses (See them all on the cookbook page – the link is below.)
To top it off, there is a 60 day money back guarantee. I appreciate that because it tells me that Mike Geary stands behind what he sells. However, I’d be shocked if you’re disappointed because he always over-delivers.
You could be eating delicious + healthier as soon as tonight, and be on your way to shedding those extra pounds. I won’t go into long explanations here because it’s all on the cookbook page. You’ll find complete details about everything, including all the bonuses you get, and you’ll see that this is much more than just another cookbook. If you still aren’t sure I understand, but it doesn’t cost anything to look, so go see for yourself:
Why Are We Promoting This Product?
The Healthy Kitchen Shop is all about helping you find practical ways to cook and eat healthier. Our product reviews are designed to help you get the facts so you can make the best buying decisions. At the same time, we also want to offer other healthy cooking and eating ideas that you may find helpful. This cookbook is recommended because Mike Geary is an expert in his field, and he sells only high quality products that provide genuine value. Expect the best and he won’t disappoint you. We’re promoting this product because it’s excellent quality from a trusted source, and since it also has a 100% money back guarantee, you pretty much can’t go wrong!
Other bestselling books by Mike Geary:
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